Territory Management
About FieldPro
About Territory Management
Benefits of Territory Management
Best Practices for Effective Territory Management
How to create territories on WebApp
How to draw polygons on the mobile
When the feature is activated, the mobile user will not be able to create a customer outside his assigned territory.
The scope can either be on Teams or Mobile Users
For this feature to be activated on the maps, click on the settings page, on tab teams and activate the Activity territory toggle and choose territory scope i.e Mobile user and team
We have three options of creating territories on FieldPro WebApp;
Manual creation - This is where you draw the territories one by one manually on the Map section of the WebApp interface see below:
There are different actions that can be done on a drawn territory
Adjustment of boundaries - This action is used when one has wrongly drawn the territories and want to adjust to another area or adjust the borders
Reset boundaries - This action is used to remove borders of the territories and wants to redo and create a new territory
Bulk upload of shape files using GeoJSON file - When creating several territories, it's much easier to bulk create them. This means shaping / creating first territories using tools such as ArcGIS
A territory can either be assigned to a mobile user or a team
You can also add attributes that identify with the territories such as
Input decimal
Input integer
Input text
Single choice
Multiple choice
Territory Delimitation is the process of defining the geographical boundaries or borders of a particular area, region or a territory.
Click on the list (customer list) on the left side panel and on the the different list place your cursor click on edit button to add a new attribute and select the attribute type Geo delimitation fill in the attribute name and different actions required and click on save button to activate the delimitation feature.
Once you set it up on the web app the feature will be activated on the mobile end.
You are able to draw polygons on existing or new customers.
Polygons refer to geographical shapes or areas that are defined and used to delineate specific territories or regions
On the existing customers if the Geo delimitation was set as a mandatory attribute, when you select a customer to do a visit you will be forced to draw the polygons manually or by traces before you proceed to do your visits.
For existing customers, if the Geo delimitation was set as a mandatory attribute and it is present, the user will be able to view the polygon on the customer edit view.
If there are no customers, the delimitation should only be done on the new customers.
To create a new customer and draw polygons manually or by traces:
Click on the + Add New button on the bottom right of the screen.
Fill in all the required and mandatory attributes once you get to the Geo delimitation question, click on it to draw polygons manually or by making traces.
Drawing polygons manually is basically clicking on the area and ensure to capture the whole area once done click on the save icon and save the name of the area drawn.
To delete polygon dawn click on the delete icon next to the save icon.
To draw polygons on an area click on walk by tracing a screen will open, click on start walking and walk around the area you want to capture once done click on stop recording and click on the save button to save the polygon drawn by traces.
To delete a polygon click on the delete icon next to the save button.
About Territory Management
Benefits of Territory Management
Best Practices for Effective Territory Management
How to create territories on WebApp
How to draw polygons on the mobile
Territory Management Feature
When the feature is activated, the mobile user will not be able to create a customer outside his assigned territory.
The scope can either be on Teams or Mobile Users
How to create territories on WebApp
For this feature to be activated on the maps, click on the settings page, on tab teams and activate the Activity territory toggle and choose territory scope i.e Mobile user and team
We have three options of creating territories on FieldPro WebApp;
Manual creation - This is where you draw the territories one by one manually on the Map section of the WebApp interface see below:
There are different actions that can be done on a drawn territory
Adjustment of boundaries - This action is used when one has wrongly drawn the territories and want to adjust to another area or adjust the borders
Reset boundaries - This action is used to remove borders of the territories and wants to redo and create a new territory
Bulk upload of shape files using GeoJSON file - When creating several territories, it's much easier to bulk create them. This means shaping / creating first territories using tools such as ArcGIS
A territory can either be assigned to a mobile user or a team
You can also add attributes that identify with the territories such as
Input decimal
Input integer
Input text
Single choice
Multiple choice
Territory Delimitation/Polygons
Territory Delimitation is the process of defining the geographical boundaries or borders of a particular area, region or a territory.
How to set it up on the Web app
Click on the list (customer list) on the left side panel and on the the different list place your cursor click on edit button to add a new attribute and select the attribute type Geo delimitation fill in the attribute name and different actions required and click on save button to activate the delimitation feature.
Once you set it up on the web app the feature will be activated on the mobile end.
How to draw polygons on the mobile
You are able to draw polygons on existing or new customers.
Polygons refer to geographical shapes or areas that are defined and used to delineate specific territories or regions
On the existing customers if the Geo delimitation was set as a mandatory attribute, when you select a customer to do a visit you will be forced to draw the polygons manually or by traces before you proceed to do your visits.
For existing customers, if the Geo delimitation was set as a mandatory attribute and it is present, the user will be able to view the polygon on the customer edit view.
If there are no customers, the delimitation should only be done on the new customers.
To create a new customer and draw polygons manually or by traces:
Click on the + Add New button on the bottom right of the screen.
Fill in all the required and mandatory attributes once you get to the Geo delimitation question, click on it to draw polygons manually or by making traces.
How to draw polygons manually
Drawing polygons manually is basically clicking on the area and ensure to capture the whole area once done click on the save icon and save the name of the area drawn.
To delete polygon dawn click on the delete icon next to the save icon.
How to draw polygons by traces
To draw polygons on an area click on walk by tracing a screen will open, click on start walking and walk around the area you want to capture once done click on stop recording and click on the save button to save the polygon drawn by traces.
To delete a polygon click on the delete icon next to the save button.
Updated on: 23/10/2024
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