Database size
Articles on: Legal & Security
As a client you are entitled with a database allowance of:
1m workflow reports
The size of the database is displayed in your environment in full transparency.
When 80% of the threshold is reached an alert will be sent providing you with 2 options:
purchase of additional capacity
raising the threshold to 5m lines for each table = 1,000€ / year
raising the threshold to 15m lines for each table= 2,500€ / year
we increase the capacity accordingly after receiving the corresponding payment
no action, we delete the oldest workflow reports and all their related data (activity report, uploads, transformation logs, etc.).
For free trial and pilot clients, the quota is 10k for the log and 10k for the submissions
We perform monthly backups of all the data, that are kept forever.
Pictures related to a submission are kept for 3 months, then archived, then deleted after 2 years
Pictures related to an item are always kept
Logs necessary to build dashboards are kept forever, within the database capacity
Other logs are deleted after 3 months
They are kept without limit of time, within the database capacity
After 2 years a client in archived state is permanently deleted
Database size
As a client you are entitled with a database allowance of:
1m workflow reports
The size of the database is displayed in your environment in full transparency.
When 80% of the threshold is reached an alert will be sent providing you with 2 options:
purchase of additional capacity
raising the threshold to 5m lines for each table = 1,000€ / year
raising the threshold to 15m lines for each table= 2,500€ / year
we increase the capacity accordingly after receiving the corresponding payment
no action, we delete the oldest workflow reports and all their related data (activity report, uploads, transformation logs, etc.).
For free trial and pilot clients, the quota is 10k for the log and 10k for the submissions
Database back ups
We perform monthly backups of all the data, that are kept forever.
Pictures related to a submission are kept for 3 months, then archived, then deleted after 2 years
Pictures related to an item are always kept
Logs necessary to build dashboards are kept forever, within the database capacity
Other logs are deleted after 3 months
Activity reports / Submissions
They are kept without limit of time, within the database capacity
Client Archive and Deletion
After 2 years a client in archived state is permanently deleted
Updated on: 22/03/2024
Thank you!