Articles on: Dashboards & Jobs
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Jobs are automated actions that can be included in a workflows, below are the available jobs.

There are 10 types of jobs:
Start workflow
Update Attribute Query
Create Notification
Create Transformation
Create Stream
Create Script
Create prediction
Use prediction
HTTP integration

Start workflow

Is that job that starts the execution of a workflow

Update Attribute Query

This update forces the compute of the attributes with a query field


A timer is a control device that outputs a signal at a preset time after an input signal is received. It waits for a certain time before being completed

Create Notification

Aids in generating notifications either Email, In App or SMS.

Create Transformation

Aids in transforming the data from one table to another.

Create Stream

A stream helps in moving data from a table/zip file/http request to a table

Create Script

Create script element either contains scripting statements, or it points to an external script file through the src attribute

Create prediction

Prepare prediction finds all the latest pictures uploaded, stores them in a json file (in a bucket of GCS) and use this file as argument for creating a computes for a prediction job

Use prediction

use prediction reads the output files generated by the compute prediction result job, and populate tables with the results.

HTTP integration

A HTTP job is an integration tool that helps FieldPro to integrate with other third party ERP systems.

Updated on: 21/09/2023

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