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User licences

The pricing is at 25€ / month / mobile user, with a minimum of 10 licences.
The licence fees apply to all the mobile users with a licence on the platform.
Volume discounts can be given based on the number of licences purchased
Fees to be paid on a quarterly basis upfront. A 10% discount is given for yearly payment.
The number of licences can be adjusted every quarter

Set up packs

The set up fee is due at the start of the set up process.
There are 3 packs based on the number of project hours: Basic (5 hours), Standard (30 hours), Advanced (50 hours)

Payment methods

You can pay by credit card online or through bank transfer.
We accept payment in EUR or USD

Applicable Taxes

FieldPro is offered by the company Optimetriks SAAS, based in France.
If you are based outside the European Union (EU), there are no VAT on the invoice. Our prices are net of any withholding tax that might be imposed when purchasing services based outside the country the purchasing entity is based in.
If you are based in France, we will need to charge the VAT of 20%

Updated on: 29/04/2024

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