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Free Trial

What is the Free Trial environment
How to sign up for Free trial or as a free trial user
Free Trial Process
Account Renewal / Expiry
How to cancel or Renew a subscription

What is the Free Trial environment

The free trial environment allows new users to start experiencing the FieldPro app. It provides an access to a simplified environment, where not all features are available.

The free trial lasts for 30 days. If you don't activate your subscription within 60 days after the end of the free trial, the environment will be deleted.

If you want to access more features, you need to upgrade your plan by buying a subscription, you will keep access to your data.

How to sign up for Free trial or as a free trial user

Below are the limits and data lifecycle for the Free trial environments.

Usage limits and Data Lifecycle

In the Home page, you will be provided with two options:

Free Trial
Book a Demo

After you have accepted our prompt for Start Free trial, we will require you to provide us with:

Your work email.
Set passwords following the password requirements.
Agree to our terms of agreement.
Provide us with your profile details, details provided will be used to setup the web profile
Choose workspace - The user chooses the relevant workspace based on their use case

To sign up as a free trial user, simply follow the following steps below:

Provide work details

Provide profile details

Once you have signed in, you will receive an Onboarding campaign email from FieldPro with the WebApp link, notifying you that your account has been successfully been created.

Onboarding campaign email

Free Trial Process

After logging in, you will have access to our free trial which expires after 30 days if it a Pro plan environment but limitless if it a Starter Plan environment.

After 30 days you will be required to upgrade to a paid planned. If I don't make a payment after the 30 day trial, your subscription is canceled.

Below is how to activate your subscription:

Click on the orange button next to days left in trial with an option of adding a payment method if you have not yet linked the payment.

If you have linked a payment method, you will automatically be transitioned from free trial to a live environment.

Add Payment method

You will be directed to page where, you'll get to see the different plan offers

On starter plan, you can also try Pro plan for free for 30days

Account Renewal / Expiry

After the free trial Period you will be asked to to either down grade or buy licenses.

If you click on downgrade, a window will pop up with details that will accompany your down grade. This will include the explanation and consequences that are involved in the downgrade process

NOTE: If you made Custom configurations (Workflows, Dashboards, Lists) these could be permanently erased.

After reading the details carefully, click on the downgrade button and you will be redirected to a contact that will assist you in the downgrading process.

In case you want to keep your Custom configurations, click on I want to keep these features button and you will redirected to the Stripe check-out page.

On the Stripe check-out page, is where you set your payment method, determine the number of licenses you require and get a subscription plan.

We also have an Advanced Setup Pack which includes 50 hour Project Management, advanced training sessions and more.
Suitable for customers who want to start the projects faster than the planned period projects.

How to cancel or Renew a subscription.

To manage your subscription, first click on the payment icon at the top right of your screen

Payment icon

You will redirected to page where you can manage your stripe plan. With options to Upgrade your plan or Cancel Plan.

After cancelling your subscription, a banner with an option to restart subscription will appear at the top. Click on it with the given period and your subscription will resume.

If you don't activate your subscription within 60 days after the end of the free trial, the environment will be deleted

If you want to access more features, you need to upgrade your plan by buying a subscription, you will keep access to your data.

Updated on: 02/04/2024

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