Articles on: Web App
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Manage Mobile Users

Articles on: Mobile App
Create a user
Define and assign roles for mobile users
Edit a mobile user
License/Unlicense a mobile user
Delete a mobile user
View mobile users in a list
Search a mobile user
Filter mobile user
Download the list of mobile users in Excel or CSV format
Create mobile users in bulk
Edit mobile users in bulk
Delete mobile users in bulk
Unlock unique login for mobile users

Create a user

To create a user, click on the Users section on the left menu. Select the type of user (Mobile User) just below Users.

Click on the (Create user) button at the top right of the screen, It will prompt you to a (+One user) button. Input all the registration details. Phone numbers must start with the international prefix. For example; +254XXXX for Kenya.

Assign it to one or several teams directly.
Once created, you will see the user information details, as well as the number of teams they belongs to.
All the mandatory information's are indicated in red fields and clearly indicated by the texts.

Web users are able to define Regex rules in the phone number field for mobile users. This is found on attributes settings page. This ensures that the right number format is observed. i.e the right country code and the correct count of the number. +2567xxxxxx57

Define and assign roles for mobile users

Roles can be defined in the client configuration. A role determines which dashboards a mobile user can view on their mobile application, access rights to the list, and workflow activity(s).

There are two ways to assign these roles. By either uploading them using a CSV file or assign them individually. For example, Team leader rights are superior to field user rights also accompanied with the resources assigned respectively.

When creating a dashboard, & activity workflow, you can select the mobile user roles to determine who can see it. While for lists you can assign item rights to the mobile user profile. i.e Full access, edit only, view only

Edit a mobile user

Simply place your cursor on the mobile user you want to edit and navigate to the pencil/edit icon at the right to be redirected to the edit details page in order to edit information.

License/Unlicense a mobile user

To assign or remove a license to a mobile user, click on the edit icon and you’ll be redirected to the user details page to /License/unlicense the mobile user.

To license move the toggle to the right, the toggle color will change to teal green initiating license.
To unlicense, move the toggle to the left, the toggle color will change to grey initiating deactivation of the license.

If the user belongs to a team, unlicensing will remove him from his/her team. The user will be automatically logged out of the app.
A user without a license cannot be assigned to a team.

Delete a mobile user

Ensure you have unlicensed the user first using the toggle button (as shown above) and the click on the Delete icon,

A pop-up text will appear asking you to delete the user, upon confirmation, the user will be deleted.
You cannot delete a licensed user. Unlicense the user first before you delete them

View mobile users in a list

In the mobile user's section, you can view the mobile users with the following fields:
Unique ID (system generated) - To view this click on edit icon
Name (First, + Middle + Last name)
Any other ID fields that are filled
Phone number
Team Nb: the number of teams the user belongs to
Licensed: toggle showing if the user has a license or not
Role: the role of the user as defined in the client settings
Application version: the mobile app version he is using
Last synchro: when was the app last synchronized with master sync (loading of all the lists, etc)

Search a mobile user

You can search for a mobile user on any of the information on his profile. Type in the search box to find.

Filter mobile user

Mobile users can be filtered on:
all their dimensions
the teams
the teams levels

To use a filter, click on add filter and select the filter you want to apply

Download the list of mobile users in Excel or CSV format.

In the Users section, by clicking on the download arrow, you will obtain an Excel & CSV file with all the columns of the profile of the users and four additional:
Licensed: True or False
ID: User ID assigned to a user
Team ID: the ID of the team the mobile user belongs to
Team name: the name of the team the mobile user belongs to
Role: Function assumed by the user
App version: the current version of the app used by a user
Last synchro: The last time the user synchronized/used the app
Las visit date: The last time a user visited the Customer
Gender: Social construct of the user
Phone: Telephone number used by the user

You can download data according to the filters applied on the mobile users section as shown below

Create mobile users in bulk

To create multiple users with the same operation, go to “Create user” on the top right button, Select “Multiple users” and upload the information as per the template provided.

The template can be downloaded in csv by clicking on “ Link ” on the page that opens. You have to fill in all the required information and then upload the .csv template by clicking on the field “Upload your CSV file here”.

Edit mobile users in bulk

To edit multiple users with the same operation, go to the three dots action panels, select “Bulk edit (CSV)” and upload the information as per the template provided.

The template can be downloaded in csv by clicking on “ Link ” on the page that opens. You have to fill in all the required information and then upload the .csv template by clicking on the field “Upload your CSV file here”.

Delete mobile users in bulk

To delete multiple users, go to the three dots action panels, select “Bulk delete (CSV)” and upload the information as per the template provided.

The template can be downloaded in csv by clicking on “ Link ” on the page that opens. You have to fill in all the required information and then upload the .csv template by clicking on the field “Upload your CSV file here”.

|| Every operation has its own defined template

Unlock unique login for mobile users

Unlocking unique login for mobile users is done on the Web interface.

To do this:

Navigate to the Organizations settings icon at the top left part of the Web app

Click on the Users tab and make sure to enable editing (edit details).

Move to Enforce unique login of mobile user and toggle the Boolean icon to yes as shown below

Once done Save, to ensure unique login has been enforced in the client environment.

Navigate to the Mobile user details/profile, edit details and click "Login Attempts" at the top right part of the user details as shown below. A drop down with two options will appear. Select unlock Log in.

You will get a prompt asking you if you want to unlock the device of the user. Click on proceed and you will see a pop up message notifying you that the device is unlocked.

Nevertheless, if a user exceeds the total number of log in attempts. You might need to reset the log in attempts.

All you need to do is follow the same procedure as unlocking a device but select the reset button.

You will then get a prompt asking you if you are sure about resetting the log in attempts. Then click on proceed and you will get a pop message notifying you of your success.

Once done save changes and request the user to login once more.

Updated on: 08/06/2024

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