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Manage List Items

Articles on: Lists & Items

Lists refers to a collection of items grouped together i.e. customers, products/SKU’s, assets etc.
In the list section, you can view all the lists present in the environment, e.g. list of products, list of customers, assets, etc. We have a propose a template of lists. We can customize the list to your users needs.
A list is structured with attributes, which are the dimensions of the list. The structure of the list is called a list schema. Each list is composed of multiple items.

Below is how to navigate and the different operations on the lists.

Create an item
Create a standard list
Create a custom list
Define the list scope
Define access rights
Define item title
List attributes definition
Single choice on list attribute
Item restriction for SCOL and MCOL attributes
Attribute settings
Define the important attributes
Understanding the list schema
Reorganizing the order of the attributes (list schema)
Define the filter attributes
Other parameters
Workflows linked to this list
Upload and download a list in JSON format
View an item
Display archived items
Restore an item
Delete an item
Finding duplicates in a list
Filter items
Create items in bulk
Edit items in bulk
Assign Mobile User Access Rights to List Items
Assign items in bulk
Unassign mobile users from customers in bulk
Replicate scope of business item for team leaders
Bulk Empty field values
How to edit single choice attributes
Edit Single choice on list attributes
Bulk clear assignments
Archive items in bulk
Delete items in bulk
Download the list of items
View and Filter list based on calculated attribute

Create an item

You can create items on a list in two ways:

a) Web app - from the list section, click on the create button at top right of your list

b) Mobile app - from the resources section, click on the (+) sign and fill in all the attributes that have been defined in the list structure.

For items that are of type “Image”, you have 2 options to fill data:

Add image

Add the url of the image directly

If the attribute is of the type “single choice on list”, input the item id linked

For GPS attribute, you can either place the GPS point or fill the address or input the GPS coordinates

Create a standard list

There are 2 main standard list templates:

Customer (list id: customer)
SKU (list id: sku)

Using a predefined list makes it easier to build dashboards.

When creating a template list, the attributes labels will be in the same language as what you are currently using the web app in. So if you want the list attributes to appear in French, you need to select French as the language of the web app on the top language selection. You can’t delete a standard attribute; you can only hide it if you don’t want the mobile user to view it.

Create a custom list

You can as well start from scratch to define a list. Click on the (+ Create) button to get started. Once a list is created, all the parameters can be edited using the edit icon.

Each list is defined by:
List id (system generated)
List name
List description

Define the list scope

The scope parameter is used to determine who can view and perform the following actions on a list item:

The scope can take 5 options, each scope value restricts who can access the item:

Global - all users of the client
Multiple Teams - all users of the multiple teams to which the item has been assigned to
Single team - all users of the single team to which the item has been assigned to
Multiple Mobile users - all users to which the item has been assigned to
Single Mobile user - a unique user to which the team has been assigned to

A change of scope will remove all the existing ownerships. If you need to proceed to a change of scope, kindly download the list and re-assign the items accordingly.

Define access rights

Access rights for mobile or web users can either be:

Full access - users can add, edit and delete items on the list
Read-only - users can only view list items
Edit-only - users can only view and edit items.
Hidden - Users will not have access to list items

Define item title

This is to determine how the item will appear on the mobile app. This can be set using a meta expression under the Item Name Template section. After you have defined the meta expression to be used as titles for your items click on save and your item titles will be updated.

List attributes definition

Attributes of the list are the fields that structure the list. Each attribute has:

A key, a unique tag, lower case, all attached
A name that will be displayed on the mobile/web app
A type, among the following options:

a. Integer - Whole numbers
b. Decimal - Whole numbers with decimal points i.e products prices (cents)- 457.89
c. Text - Alphanumeric characters
d. Single choice - Select one choice from a range of options
e. Multiple choice - Select several choices from a range of options

1. For single and multiple-choice attributes, the different options can be uploaded in bulk using the bulk button. You then just need to upload a CSV file with two columns, the tag and the label of each option, saving you time.
2. You can also download the list of option tags and labels using the download icon

f. Picture - Take a picture inside the list
g. GPS - Capture GPS on the list
h. Boolean - A question with a binary result (Yes / No)
i. Date - Capture dates on the list
j. Signature - Capture signatures
k. Phone number - Capture phone number
l. Barcode scanner - scan a barcode
m. Single choice on list- attribute which picks from an existing list. Used mainly for single choice attributes with lots of options i.e Territories. Users can apply filters on it and can search for an option/item easily.
n. Display text - Input a text on the list to add more context

Attributes can be arranged in any order with a drag and drop functionality, both on the web and mobile app

Single choice on list attribute

Creating a "Single Choice on List" attribute involves setting up a specific list first and then attaching it to the attribute. This ensures a streamlined process for users selecting options from predefined lists.

Steps to Create a Single Choice on List Attribute
1. Create the List
Before adding the attribute, create a list on the same client where the attribute will be used.

2. Attach the List to the Attribute
Go to the list you want to use and click on the edit icon (pen).

3. Add a New Attribute.
On the list edit page, click on the (+) icon to add a new attribute.

4. Input the attribute key (tag) and name.
Select "Single Choice on List" as the attribute type and attach the list you created earlier.

5. Save the List
After attaching the list, click on ADD and save the changes.

Same procedure applies for Multiple choice on list attributes

Item restriction for SCOL and MCOL attributes

You can now restrict the items displayed for Single Choice on List (SCOL) and Multiple Choice on List (MCOL) attributes, providing better control over the options available to users.

This feature allows you to limit the options or categories of products displayed, enhancing user experience and display on the mobile app.

Note: Lists linked to this feature appear on the resources section

Steps in Implementing Item Restriction

1. Navigate to the SCOL/MCOL Attribute

Access the attribute either within activities or lists.

2. Access the Conditions Tab

Click on the edit icon and go to the conditions tab of the SCOL/MCOL attribute.

3. Add Item Restriction

In the item restriction section, add your desired restrictions on either the product categories:

In this example above, items are restricted based on the "hard" category and the "cat" tag this will ensure only the relevant options are seen on the mobile by the mobile users.

Same procedure applies for Multiple choice on list items restriction.

How to use the multiple-choice attribute for route management

Use the multiple-choice attribute called "_route" in the default Customer list

For each customer, assign it the routes it belongs to. Let's say a customer needs to be visited on Monday and Wednesday, you assign both values

You might need to add more fields:

- If the list scope has more than one user, a single choice attribute is preferred so that the user only selects his area
- An open text field with the order in which the customer must be visited

Attribute settings

* Validation rule (Regex) - Validation rule using the regex syntax. This rule defines or restricts what a user inputs/fill on the input questions (Input text, Integer, decimal, etc). Refer to this article for more details.
Validation error message - Message displayed if an entry fails to pass the validation rule
SQL Query - You can define an attribute in a list based on a SQL query. It is very useful as you can use the data from the workflow to define attributes in the lists.

For example, you can define customer status based on workflow activity. Customer status changes to active once the customer has made an order/sale done and their status changes to Inactive if they haven’t made any order for a long time.

Hide attribute from the mobile app user - Used to hide items/attributes from Mobile users
Mandatory attribute - Defines if an attribute must be filled or not by the Mobile user.

If a customer list is already created, and a new mandatory attribute is added, mobile users will be forced to fill it the next time they check in a customer and click on the edit icon.

Unique value - Activating this option will ensure that there is only one value for this attribute in the list among all items. This is useful if you want to ensure there is no duplicated entries, like for an outlet code serving as the primary key.
Value locked - Used to make list attributes read-only for the Mobile users.

We can use Meta expression to define scenarios where a list attribute is locked from editing.

The meta expressions can be set depending on the target type i.e. SQL Query or Attribute variable of a Item/User/Client

* The Lock parameter works for Text, Single choice attribute , phone number attribute, Single choice on list and multiple choice on list question attributes
* If you activate the locking of a field, you can define the conditions that will activate the lock, for example: Allow users to edit an attribute question if no answer option was selected.

Conditions. similar to workflow's meta expressions, it is possible to define meta expressions on list attributes, to ensure an attribute is displayed based on the value of another attribute.
or mobile user role.

For example to ask additional information based on the selected customer type or define attributes to be filled by users of a specific role.

To add a meta expression, click on the attribute in questions and condition tab to fill in the meta expression builder according to the attributes you intend to step up

Default value. For some attribute types you can define a default value. This ensures we have default answers to all attributes and avoid empty fields

Define the important attributes

Important attributes are the ones that will appear in the item card on the mobile app. They are defined in the list schema in this section. Add new attributes by selecting the small boxes on the left.

In the item card, only the important attributes will be displayed in the list. Click on the 3 dots and select View activity icon

Understanding the list schema

A list schema is simply a collection of attributes created for a list. By viewing a list schema, you can know the attribute type, whether it's mandatory, hidden, shareable, or has a meta expression attached to it.

To view a list schema, go to the list section of the dashboard and click on it. Then identify your list of interest and click on the More icon at its far right. A page with the list schema will be displayed.

To view more details about a specific attribute on the list schema, click on the Edit icon at the far right of the target attribute. You can also duplicate attributes by navigating to the Replicate icon, this makes work easier in the event that you have same repetitive question types.

By viewing the list of the attributes, we have put some visual indications to understand what parameters have been applied to the attribute:

For the List schema:
Attributes marked in bold are mandatory
Attributes marked with a small star are marked as important
Attributes marked with an eye icon are hidden from the mobile user
Attributes marked with a lock are locked, and can't be edited by a user
Attributes marked with a chart have a SQL query attached to it

Reorganizing the order of the attributes (list schema)

It is possible to drag and drop each attribute to change the order at which they appear on the mobile and web. Just click on an attribute and drop it where you want in the list compared to the other attributes.

Define the filter attributes

Attributes to be used as filters on the mobile application. Only these attributes can be added:

Single choice
Multiple choice
Attribute based on a query

Other parameters

Picture field to be used for the item profile

Single choice attributes to be used as categories. This is useful for a matrix to navigate among items. Categories serve as headers.

Workflows linked to this list

This section will show you the workflows to which the list is attached.

If a list is not attached to a workflow, it won’t be accessible for mobile users.

Upload and download a list in JSON format

A list can be downloaded and uploaded in JSON format using the button at the bottom of the modal.

View an item

There are two views for an item:-

1. Compact view.

It is composed of:

Item name, as defined in the title of the list schema

Columns with the important attributes

Last visit date for the Customer list

View more button - click on the eye icon to see the expanded view of the item.
Archive icon - For a single archive of items
Edit pen - for single edit of items

2. Expanded view.

It is composed of:

Picture section showing all the pictures of the item
All the attributes of the item, as defined in the list schema
Owner of the item if the scope is not global
Metadata about the item on the creation, last edition, and last visit
Any dashboard related to that item. Same dashboard as for the mobile view

For customers, you can view also two additional tabs:

The notes taken from the mobile app
The activity reports filled for this customer

To display the expanded view, click on the eye icon at the far right.
Editing or archiving an item is only possible once the expanded view is displayed.

Display archived items

In the action menu, click on the option “Add Filter” and then select “Archive option” where you'll be provided to select the option True to display/view all archived items.
An archived item will appear faint (light grey)

Restore an item

An archived item can be restored by clicking on the restore icon.

Delete an item

An item can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon(red). Once it has been deleted, it can’t be restored. Only archived items can be deleted.

Finding duplicates in a list

To easily find duplicates, open the list, click on the right menu, and select “Find duplicates”.
Then on the drop down, choose the attribute on which the duplicates need to be found and click on create. Any attribute can be picked.
All the items with duplicates will appear on the table, clicking on the download button at the top right will download/export only the duplicated items.

You can also prevent mobile users from creating or editing an item with a value that already exists for another item. To activate this turn on the Unique value toggle.

Search items

Through the search box, it is possible to search on all attributes marked as important. These attributes can be open text or open numbers.

Filter items

Items can be filtered on:
all their attributes
their owners, or their owners teams, or the teams levels / labels of the owner
item id, etc

Filters behaviors depend on the type of attributes:
Open text / integer / decimal / phone number. Input the value then click on apply filter. The filter is not case sensitive and works even if you input the beginning of the value to search for, like “car” for “cargo”
Single/multiple choice. Select the option among the list of choices.

It is possible to filter an attribute with empty value by selecting nothing or typing _ for open text/number. To do so, just click on add filter

Filtering list items on the metadata

It is possible to filter the list items on the following metadata fields using the same “Add Filter” button:

Created at: Date of creation
Created source: Source of creation, can be either web or mobile
Created by: Person that created the item, show user name, and phone number or email
Updated at: Date of the last update
Updated source: Source of the last update, can be either web or mobile
Updated by

Filtering list items with empty values

To view the list items without value:
For open text / number, enter _ and apply
For single / multiple choice, select “Nothing”

For more information on the above, please watch this

Create items in bulk

Bulk operations can also be done on the list items. Click on create then choose Multiple items
Select the option in the action menu, fill in the template provided.

You don't need to fill values for all the columns

All the single choice options should have attribute keys and not attribute names. Attribute keys should match what's provided on the options in the web app.

Location - In case you want to upload the GPS location of the items, ensure that you provide latitude, longitude and GPS accuracy. (Separated by a comma i.e -0.2827345,36.0889535,10).

On the upload file ensure you have the GPS populate starting with Lat,Log,acc (Order matters)

For multiple choice attributes, separate each option key with a ( , ) comma, so if the attributes can take 2 values, option1 and option2, it needs to be written like “option1,option2”

For Pictures, you can add image urls directly into the relevant columns of the file, for upload.

Large Bulk operations will trigger a notification on the web app, saying that they will be run in the background. An email is sent when completed.

Edit items in bulk

Select the option in the action menu, fill in the template provided.

In the bulk edit file, no need to fill in all the columns, even if they are set as mandatory. Only the column which contains data will be updated

Assign Mobile User Access Rights to List Items.

Go to the target list and click on the the edit icon that appear on the far right. Go to the list scheme then select on the settings tab icon. Navigate to the field Mobile user access rights. Add your right then confirm and save. The access rights of the mobile user have been clearly defined under their names.

Assign items in bulk

Select the option in the action menu, fill in the template provided.

The existing ownerships will not be removed during the bulk assign upload.
If the file contains the items A, B and C, the current ownerships of these items will be removed, and they will be reassigned according to the information stored in the bulk assign file.

If the list is not in a single scope (single team or single mobile user scope), several teams or several mobile users can own the same item. In the bulk assign file, 1 row = 1 item, 1 owner.
If there are several owners for one same item, the file will contain several rows, 1 per owner.
For example, if Item A is owned by OwnerA and OwnerB, the file will contain the following rows:

Item ID, Team ID

ItemA, OwnerA

ItemA, OwnerB

Unassign mobile users from customers in bulk

As an Admin you can unassign multiple users from their respective customers in bulk, doing so manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
On the customer list, navigate to the 3 dots on the far right, click and select bulk unassign mobile user in CSV.

The guide below will provide a detailed approach to bulk unassigning mobile users from customers using a CSV file

On the link provided ensure your CSV file is populated with:

Item ID: The unique identifier for each customer.

Fill in the CSV file with the relevant data. The row should represent an item that you intend to unassign

Save the CSV File and upload it to the template provided for bulk un assigning mobile users on the customer list.

The execution/unassigning will occur in the background for a large number of unassignments

Replicate scope of business item for team leaders

As a team leader you can have access to the items assigned to your team, with this a team leader can easily follow up with the customers and also approve your teams Journey plans.
How to set it up:
Define mobile users as a team leader through the mobile user section. Then turn on the boolean with option Team leader

Go to the team section and edit the team with selected team leader. You should be able to see the account highlighted

Save the edits and ask the team leader to sync their accounts. They should be able to see all the items assigned to their corresponding members.

Refer to the below for more clarity

Bulk Empty field values

If you want to remove the values that exist for an item attribute e.g GPS, text/number inputs,etc put __CLEAR in the field of the bulk file, instead of the value of the attribute. As a result it will “clean” the value of this attribute and put it at 0.

This does not work for these attribute types:
* Multiple choice
* A single choice on list

How to edit single choice attributes

Single choice attributes have options on them and each option has an Attribute key and Attribute answer.
When editing a single choice attribute, you fill in the column with the Attribute key and not the Attribute answer.
All the keys should be lower case and exactly match what was configured/set on the Web App.

Edit Single choice on list attributes

A single choice on list attributes is a list inside a list, these lists are created to accommodate a large number of options for attributes such as routes.
A single choice on the list makes it easy for the users to add, filter, and edit the options which would not have been possible on a single choice attribute.
There are two ways of editing a single choice on list attribute;
i) Single edit on the Web App
ii) Bulk edit using a CSV file

i) Single edit on the Web App

Open the list that you want to edit
Search for the item you want to edit on the main list
Click on the edit pen at the far right of the item
After clicking on the edit pen, please look for the single choice on list attribute that you want to edit i.e route
Choose the option you want to capture on the item single choice on list attribute.
After selecting the right option, please click on SAVE at the bottom right to save your changes/edit.

ii) Bulk edit using a CSV file

Select the bulk edit option on the menu of the main list and download the template
On the single choice on the list attribute, add the id of the item in the list linked. You can download items from the child list in order to get the item ids.
Once you have filled in the single choice on list attributes with the right item IDs (from the child list), export it as a CSV and upload into the system.

Bulk clear assignments

Bulk clearing assignments allows admins to efficiently manage user item/customer access by removing specific items from specific users at once. This is particularly useful when clearing assignments in multiple users or territories.

The guide below will provide a detailed approach to perform bulk clear assignments.

On the customer list, navigate to the 3 dots on the far right, click on bulk clear assignment in CSV.

On the link provided ensure your CSV file is populated with:

Item ID: The unique identifier for each customer.
Mobile user ID: unique identifier for the mobile user

Once done
save the CSV file and upload it to the template provided for bulk clear assignment on the customer list.

The execution will occur in the background for a huge number of assignments.

Archive items in bulk

Select the option in the action menu, fill in the template provided.

Delete items in bulk

Select the option in the action menu, fill in the template provided.

Download the list of items

To download all the items in the list, click on the download arrow. The download option/icon is only available if you have given access to download items.

If the list contains less than 5,000 non-archived items, the list will be downloaded on the web browser
If the list contains more than 5,000 items, a link for the downloaded list will be sent by email with all attributes.

If you apply filters to the list, only the filtered list items will be downloaded.

View and Filter list based on calculated attributes

List calculated attributes are attributes automatically updated based on the customer activity. They are updated in the list based on SQL queries. For example, a customer status can change from inactive to active once a visit has been made or debt-free once they have cleared their debts or Passive to Lead once they have made an order or the visit date updated once the customer has been visited.

For more information, please view the video below

Updated on: 18/10/2024

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