Get started
Access to the web application
Articles on: Getting Started Logging in How to change your password Forgot Password Refreshing the web app Clearing web app cache Logging in When you are added as a new web user to FieldPro you will receive an e-mail, as illustrated below. ( Live with FieldPro
This page presents you with the journey when you start using FieldPro solution as a company. A single point of contact must be appointed on your side in order to oversee the deployment of the environment, and be trained on the system. It should be someone with both a sales and IT background, who can understand how to structure the environment. The deployment phase starts once the admin reqFew readers
Manage Mobile Users
Articles on: Mobile App Create a user Define and assign roles for mobile users Edit a mobile user License/Unlicense a mobile user Delete a mobile user View mobile users in a list Search a mobile user FiPopularManage Web Users
Articles on: Web App Add a new web user Web user profiles Customize profile Access to all resources Defining web user roles Assign a dashboard to a mobile user role Retrieve the password of a web userPopular
Workflows & Activities
Create, view, edit and share activity reports
Main Activity parameters Different question types Question parameters Manage questions in the workflow Activity parameters to be defined Scope of the Activity Report Share values of the activity to an external user UseSome readersCreate, view and download workflow reports
Terms Building the workflow Configuring the steps Configuring the 2 types of workflows Terms Workflow: a series of steps Activity: a form to be filled on mobile or web Job: an automated system action Trigger: a system event Step: A component of a workflow Workflow Instance: A workflow that has been started Workflow Report: A workflow with data Activity RepoSome readersHow to Write / Formulation Regex
Articles on: Workflows & Activities Regex is a regular expression that defines or restricts what a user inputs/fill on the input questions (Input text, Integer, decimal, etc). We have a provision to use it both in the list and in the workflows, see below on how to formulate one. Characters definition; - A set of characters - Signals a special sequence (can also be used to escape special characters) . - Any chaFew readersFilling activity report from the Web app
Articles on: Workflows & Activities It's become easier than ever to fill out activity reports directly from the web app. Here's a simple guide to help you do just that: Set Up Users: First, create a mobile user and assign them to the team in charge of the workflow. Then, make a web user without giving them access to everything. This is usually done by using the default viewer profile. ( readersHow to filter items by type
We've recently introduced a new functionality that allows items in a list e.g SKUs, assets, or other items to be displayed based on selected attributes on the list, such as type, category, channel type, etc. The same logic applies to displaying items on a list based on a single choice activity question for workflows. This enhancement serves to streamline the experience for field users and workers during sales, retail audits, and other visits by eliminating the need to fill unnecessary SKUs orFew readersMeta Expressions
Definition of Meta Expressions Meta expression in FieldPro is a powerful tool used to retrieve data from different item attributes, activity variables and also workflow restrictions It is utilized for: Setting conditions Computing (calculating field values) Crafting item titles, activity report titles, and workflow report titles Meta Expresssion Parameters Meta expression parameters refers to variables or placeholders used to dynamically generate or manipulate data. The metFew readers