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View, filter and download pictures.

Articles on: Web App

Pictures are visual representation of images captured during fieldwork.

On the section “Pictures” you will see the latest pictures taken by mobile or web users, either:
related to a workflow activity
or related to a list item with item attributes of the type “picture”

Below are the various actions one can perform on the pictures
View Pictures
Filter Pictures
Download Pictures

View Pictures

Clicking on a picture displays it in full screen and allows you to see on the right more information related to it, such as:



Related activities question / List item

You can navigate through the pictures using the navigation arrows.

Filter Pictures

You can filter the pictures with these dimensions:


Team / Team Level / Team Label

Activities and activities picture question




You can also sort the photos in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow on the tabs listed below, all found on the top-left panel of the pictures tab.

By Date

By User

By Tag (workflow question or list attribute)

Download Pictures

Click on the download icon on the top-right of the pictures window, to download all the pictures in a zipped file.

You cannot export more than 1,000 pictures at a time

To Download specific picture(s), click on the picture to view picture information (Timestamp, List Name, Item Name). On the information page, you have a download button at the top right corner.

For information about view, filter and download pictures click on the video below.

For more information please view the video below

Updated on: 02/10/2024

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