Create, view, edit and share activity reports
Activity reports are structured summaries or logs of specific actions or tasks performed by field users or teams during a specified period.
Below are the different sections in the activities:
Activity parameters
Different question types
Question parameters
Manage questions in the workflow
Activity parameters to be defined
Scope of the Activity Report
Share values of the activity to an external user
Use a Customer attribute as a meta-expression in the workflow
How to filter items in a matrix
View an activity report
Download activity reports
Share activity reports in PDF
Select the "Activities" tab in the workflow section in the menu on the left.
Click on (+ Create activity) at the top right - Name the activity that you want to create

Inside the Activity created, We have:
Add questions
Upload in JSON format
Download in Excel or CSV format
Activity name: the name that will be displayed on the mobile app for the user
Display title: a meta expression of the title of the Activity to be displayed on the mobile app for the user. You can define the display title scope by adding new expression
Activity types
- Standard: for normal data collection
- Custom Activities
Open Text - Used for input text fields i.e. comments.
Open decimal number - Selected for numerical values input with decimal points.
Open integer number - used for numerical inputs only.
Phone number - Used in question that requires users to capture phone numbers.
Single choice question - Use this question type for questions that require App users to only select one value from a list of values. Covers questions that require a single answer or only one value/option.
Multiple choice question - This allows the selection of two or more values from a set of values/options.
Multiple Input Text. To have text on several lines.
A single choice on the list - Used when one option is required to be selected from a pre-uploaded list. i.e Outlet visited. (First, you must upload a list via the list tab on the WebApp)
Multiple choice on list - With this question type, users can select two or more items from/on the list. (First, you must upload a list via the list tab on the WebApp).
Picture - Used in/for questions that require App users to take a picture i.e. products and outlet pictures.
Signature - Used for questions that require FieldPro App user to capture signature i.e. client's signatures.
Location picker - Used for questions that ask users to capture coordinates. it allows App users to capture GPS coordinates of the exact place they are at any particular time i.e. Outlet's coordinates.
Barcode Scanner - Used for Barcode input questions, it allows App users to scan a barcode using the camera of their device.
Time / Date picker - These question types are used in questions that require App users to capture dates or times.
Matrix on list - This question type performs the same action as Matrix but instead of using Question headers, it uses items on list, to use this question type you must first upload items to the list tab. i.e. Products.
- A matrix can have several sub-questions. To define the sub-question for which the value will be displayed in the recap view on the mobile, click on the toggle “Highlight answer”
- A matrix displays items on 2 levels. Level 1 is called “category” and is an attribute that will serve as headers in the matrix, to navigate among the items. The attribute to be served as a category needs to be defined at the level of each matrix question. Only single-choice attributes can be used as categories.
There are 2 types of matrices display:
Horizontal matrix - Products or items are listed horizontally across the top row, and their respective attributes or features are listed vertically down the first column as shown below

Vertical matrix - products or items are listed vertically down the first column, and their respective attributes or features are listed horizontally across the top row.
This format is suitable when comparing a larger number of products/SKUs or items, allowing users to easily scan down the rows to see how each product compares across the various attributes
To make the matrix appear vertically, first create a matrix on list question, add the sub section question edit the parent matrix question initially created, navigate to the question settings where you enable the toggle display vertically

Here is how your vertical matrix will be on the mobile
- To display the sub-questions of a matrix in the summary. We need to activate 2 new functions:
First, you need to activate the item's "Is shareable"
Then activate the button "Highlight answer in main form"
To activate these functions, click on the modified button for the activity . Then click on modify for each sub-question of the matrix you want to display in the summary navigate to the question settings where you enable the toggle "Is shareable" and "Highlight answer in main form"

You can also autofill question answers depending on the SQL query from either the List or activity i.e. When you want attributes to mobile users to be prefilled for example scores according to criterias and set calculations. You enable the auto fill questions toggle in the question settings
Autofil with SQL queries is available for all question types

Compute- This question type is used when you want to perform simple calculations on the values inputted on different questions, it entails; Multiplication, divide, subtraction, and addition. From this question type, you can for example know the total amount of sales by calculating price and quantity.
- A compute is build using operant
- There are several operands
a. Question answer. Tags of questions need to be picked.
If you want to use an attribute from a list, you need to make sure there is an attribute with a number format in this list.
b. Operation. For any other compute that already existing in the workflow
c. Item attribute. Only available for the second operand if the first operand is a question-answer picking an item, like a single choice on list or matrix on the list.
- Several operators can be used:
a. Add
b. Multiply
c. Subtract
d. Divide
It is possible to have a compute inside a matrix sub-question, with item attributes as an operand. Which can serve to calculate subtotals.
You first need to create an attribute in the list that returns a number when adding a compute that involves a list attribute otherwise no options are displayed for the operands.
Plain text
- With this question, you can display text for the user
- The text can be composed of text and also fetch list attribute values, like the price of an item. The syntax to use to include list attribute in there is detailed in this page
Question tag - A tag is an internal code to refer to the question. It must be unique, lowercase. When you create a new question, you will be proposed the list of existing tags of the same question types in other workflows of the client environment. This is useful to standardize the queries and reporting.
Question text - Text that appears on the Mobile App for users
Question required - Defines if a question must be filed before activity reports.
You can configure an activity question to be mandatory based on specific conditions. This allows you to enforce a required response only when certain criteria are met in the activity flow.
For example:
If a previous question’s response is ‘Yes’, then the question becomes mandatory.
If the user belongs to a specific role or department, the question must be answered.
Answer text - Text to display once a question has been filled.
List linked to the question - Use to link a question list with the list.
Impossible to change the question - Restricts Mobile users from editing/changing question response.
Question description - A descriptive text used to expound or give more details about a question.
Question default value - Its a constant value/option that is preselected when answers aren't provided to attributes
Question is hidden - Use to hide questions from Mobile users
Is shareable - If a question has this attribute, it will appear in the activity report recap shared on the mobile app user.
Highlight this answer. By ticking this toggle, it means the value will be displayed in the recap of the matrix question on the mobile app.
Meta expressions - Meta expression determine when the question will appear.
N/B; Attributes/questions coming from the template can be edited but not deleted. However, they can be hidden if not needed.
Question types single choice /multiple choice on list -list linked cannot be edited unless done from the template. You will get a warning that the question can only be edited from template.
The different attributes in the activities can be made unique by clicking on the settings and turning the toggle on to prevent the user from making two activity reports with the same field.
It can be defined for questions types:
phone number

How to use meta expressions.
Meta expression are built using two operands. It can be:
a question-answer
a meta expression
After selecting the question-answer, you will see a modal with all the single or multiple-choice options in the questions, including the ones for the customer selected.
The operators can be:
and for integer or decimal answers:
The second operand can be:
constant (number and text)
If you select question answer, a modal will open comparing the values of the answer.
If you select constant, for a single or multiple-choice, the options will be TRUE or FALSE
Questions marked in “bold” are mandatory
Questions marked with the word meta expression have a meta expression attached to it
Questions marked with an eye icon are hidden from the mobile users
Questions marked with the word meta expression and are in bold have both a meta expression and are mandatory.

To add a question.
Click on the + icon. Select a question type.

Replicate a question
To replicate a question within a workflow, click on replicate icon, then select the tag and label of the question

Rearrange the order of questions with drag and drop
The order of the questions can be changed by dragging and dropping questions within the questionnaire
Edit a question - Click on the edit icon.
Delete a question - Click on the delete icon
Activity Id - It is a unique system generated identifier
Activity name - Where activity name is defined
Display title - where the name to be displayed is defined by meta expressions
Activity type - Default and review
Allow duplication - Activation of this toggle allows mobile users to be able to duplicate activity reports
Report prerequisite - Helps identifying activities requiring a check-in/check-out inside or outside a visit object
Report prerequisite can be set as:
Customer selection -This is set to restrict a user to select a customer before filling any activity.
Need visit and Geo check-in -This is set to restrict a user from filling any workflow without them checking -in to the customer and being at the customer location
No prerequistite - This is set if there is no need for the user to adhere any prerequisite above to filling an activity.
When the report prerequisite is set as customer selection and Need visit & Geo check-in and the user is filling a multi step workflow, the toggle use customer from the last step must be activated so that the customer selected on the first workflow will automatically be pre-selected when filling the second workflow. E.g When one selects a customer on Order as (FieldPro) when filling the second part which is delivery (FieldPro) will be automatically be pre-selected.
Important questions -Is used as a table column in the activity report table
Role- Defines the users who will have access to certain activities
Visibility of the Activity Report
- web and mobile. Normal behavior
- web. Activity reports /tasks are generated by the back end
It determines which mobile users can view and edit the activity report of a mobile user
There are several parameters:
Global. All users of the client
Team. All users of the teams (more than 1 team)
Single team. All users of the team to which the mobile user belongs (only 1 team)
Mobile user. Several mobile users
Single Mobile User. Only the mobile user who submitted the activity report
N/B; The scope is defined on the list setting page (List scope)
You can see the recap of an activity report in the history view and share it with any external user through the messaging app of your phone. It comes in text format, meaning it can be read by SMS, WhatsApp, etc. To share it, you need to click on the Share icon.
The content that is shareable depends on the questions you configure as shareable in the workflow builder. The recap message will also contain the metadata such as the timestamp, the activity report ID, user name, etc.
You can add any attribute of the item/SKU as shareable information if the item has been selected through a single choice or matrix on the list question. For this use a plain text question and use the relevant meta expression.
This is typically useful to act as a digital receipt for sales to a retailer, field vendor or to be used internally as proof of transaction.
When using the Customer module, the customer selected after the check-in will automatically appear in the activities builder as the first question. You cannot edit the tag, but you can edit its name.
You can then select any of the attributes of the customer as a question-answer to base the meta expression set.
A matrix question in an activity displays items from a list.
To make all SKU's mandatory on the matrix go to the matrix question, the setting tab and click on "Force all items to be filled"
It is possible to filter the items displayed using the meta expressions.
To do this, go to the matrix question, the conditions tab, and add the meta expressions in the "Items restriction condition"

Then you will have a meta expression builder allowing you to define the restriction
In the example below, we want that certain must have SKUs only display based on the types of shops for a retail audit activity selected.
So we need to create the single choice attribute in the SKU list: customer_type.
In the meta expression we look for equivalence between the customer type of the item selected (the SKU) and the type of customer selected in the activity.
If there is a match for the SKU for at least one of the customer type selected (we use the CONTAINS operator), then the SKU will display in the matrix

1. This can also be used to define different prices based on the customer types, whereby you will create one price per SKU as per the customer type
2. The tags and labels used on for Single choice question options for Customer type on the SKU list must be exactly the same as the ones on the single choice question for customer type on the customer list
It is possible to filter the items displayed on the previous step of a matrix.
This only works with multi-step workflows.
To do this, select the preceding step of the activity i.e. if it was an order and delivery activity, select the delivery activity.
On the preceding activity, select the edit icon (pen) and go to the settings tab. Then enable the Filter Items from previous step Boolean.

Make sure you have saved your edits and you will be able to display the items selected on the previous step.
To view activity reports, go to the workflows section, activities menu.
Activities are sorted according to the activities with highest number of activity reports as shown below on the right side panel

Navigate to the activity which you intend to view, click on it and a range of activity reports will be displayed

To view a single activity report, place your cursor on the activity report and navigate to the view icon. A menu will appear with the steps available for the activity report.
Click on the desired step and options displaying the input and output perimeters will appear.

Select the desired output or input options to view the details of the activity.

Click on it to be able to see the detailed contents of the activity report as shown below

Go to the activities section and click on the activities. You will be able to see all the activity reports related to it.
To download activity reports, click on the download reports arrow on the far right, as shown below

You will then obtain the results in CSV and Excel format. You can also use the filters to narrow down to the specifics for download.
Activity reports are shareable in PDF via email.
Below is the procedure on how to configure.
In the Workflow section, click on create a workflow at the top right part of your Web app screen.
Name the workflow to suit your need i.e. Generate activity reports and save.

After saving, navigate to the workflow created and click on the edit icon to add the steps for running of the activity report
To add the step simply click on them for instance we want to share activity report for the Sales workflow we will need to add the sales workflow followed by the step Export activity report in pdf.
The email which will contain the url of the activity report will be displayed as follows.

In the step, Export activity report, define the step id as the workflow in which the activity report is pulled from for this case - Sales Workflow and save changes as shown below

In the next step, Email activity reports set the email body in html language. To insert the url, click on the + meta expression to set the fields as shown below

When done save. This is how the body of the email will be
After setting up all the steps important fields save the workflow.
Once the sales workflow is filled its corresponding activity report will be shared in PDF via email to the specified recipients as shown below

Below are the different sections in the activities:
Activity parameters
Different question types
Question parameters
Manage questions in the workflow
Activity parameters to be defined
Scope of the Activity Report
Share values of the activity to an external user
Use a Customer attribute as a meta-expression in the workflow
How to filter items in a matrix
View an activity report
Download activity reports
Share activity reports in PDF
Select the "Activities" tab in the workflow section in the menu on the left.
How to Create an Activity
Click on (+ Create activity) at the top right - Name the activity that you want to create

Inside the Activity created, We have:
Add questions
Upload in JSON format
Download in Excel or CSV format
Activity parameters:
Activity name: the name that will be displayed on the mobile app for the user
Display title: a meta expression of the title of the Activity to be displayed on the mobile app for the user. You can define the display title scope by adding new expression
Activity types
- Standard: for normal data collection
- Custom Activities
Different question types
Open Text - Used for input text fields i.e. comments.
Open decimal number - Selected for numerical values input with decimal points.
Open integer number - used for numerical inputs only.
Phone number - Used in question that requires users to capture phone numbers.
Single choice question - Use this question type for questions that require App users to only select one value from a list of values. Covers questions that require a single answer or only one value/option.
Multiple choice question - This allows the selection of two or more values from a set of values/options.
Multiple Input Text. To have text on several lines.
A single choice on the list - Used when one option is required to be selected from a pre-uploaded list. i.e Outlet visited. (First, you must upload a list via the list tab on the WebApp)
Multiple choice on list - With this question type, users can select two or more items from/on the list. (First, you must upload a list via the list tab on the WebApp).
Picture - Used in/for questions that require App users to take a picture i.e. products and outlet pictures.
Signature - Used for questions that require FieldPro App user to capture signature i.e. client's signatures.
Location picker - Used for questions that ask users to capture coordinates. it allows App users to capture GPS coordinates of the exact place they are at any particular time i.e. Outlet's coordinates.
Barcode Scanner - Used for Barcode input questions, it allows App users to scan a barcode using the camera of their device.
Time / Date picker - These question types are used in questions that require App users to capture dates or times.
Matrix on list - This question type performs the same action as Matrix but instead of using Question headers, it uses items on list, to use this question type you must first upload items to the list tab. i.e. Products.
- A matrix can have several sub-questions. To define the sub-question for which the value will be displayed in the recap view on the mobile, click on the toggle “Highlight answer”
- A matrix displays items on 2 levels. Level 1 is called “category” and is an attribute that will serve as headers in the matrix, to navigate among the items. The attribute to be served as a category needs to be defined at the level of each matrix question. Only single-choice attributes can be used as categories.
There are 2 types of matrices display:
Horizontal matrix - Products or items are listed horizontally across the top row, and their respective attributes or features are listed vertically down the first column as shown below

Vertical matrix - products or items are listed vertically down the first column, and their respective attributes or features are listed horizontally across the top row.
This format is suitable when comparing a larger number of products/SKUs or items, allowing users to easily scan down the rows to see how each product compares across the various attributes
To make the matrix appear vertically, first create a matrix on list question, add the sub section question edit the parent matrix question initially created, navigate to the question settings where you enable the toggle display vertically

Here is how your vertical matrix will be on the mobile
- To display the sub-questions of a matrix in the summary. We need to activate 2 new functions:
First, you need to activate the item's "Is shareable"
Then activate the button "Highlight answer in main form"
To activate these functions, click on the modified button for the activity . Then click on modify for each sub-question of the matrix you want to display in the summary navigate to the question settings where you enable the toggle "Is shareable" and "Highlight answer in main form"

You can also autofill question answers depending on the SQL query from either the List or activity i.e. When you want attributes to mobile users to be prefilled for example scores according to criterias and set calculations. You enable the auto fill questions toggle in the question settings
Autofil with SQL queries is available for all question types

Compute- This question type is used when you want to perform simple calculations on the values inputted on different questions, it entails; Multiplication, divide, subtraction, and addition. From this question type, you can for example know the total amount of sales by calculating price and quantity.
- A compute is build using operant
- There are several operands
a. Question answer. Tags of questions need to be picked.
If you want to use an attribute from a list, you need to make sure there is an attribute with a number format in this list.
b. Operation. For any other compute that already existing in the workflow
c. Item attribute. Only available for the second operand if the first operand is a question-answer picking an item, like a single choice on list or matrix on the list.
- Several operators can be used:
a. Add
b. Multiply
c. Subtract
d. Divide
It is possible to have a compute inside a matrix sub-question, with item attributes as an operand. Which can serve to calculate subtotals.
You first need to create an attribute in the list that returns a number when adding a compute that involves a list attribute otherwise no options are displayed for the operands.
Plain text
- With this question, you can display text for the user
- The text can be composed of text and also fetch list attribute values, like the price of an item. The syntax to use to include list attribute in there is detailed in this page
Question parameters
Question tag - A tag is an internal code to refer to the question. It must be unique, lowercase. When you create a new question, you will be proposed the list of existing tags of the same question types in other workflows of the client environment. This is useful to standardize the queries and reporting.
Question text - Text that appears on the Mobile App for users
Question required - Defines if a question must be filed before activity reports.
You can configure an activity question to be mandatory based on specific conditions. This allows you to enforce a required response only when certain criteria are met in the activity flow.
For example:
If a previous question’s response is ‘Yes’, then the question becomes mandatory.
If the user belongs to a specific role or department, the question must be answered.
Answer text - Text to display once a question has been filled.
List linked to the question - Use to link a question list with the list.
Impossible to change the question - Restricts Mobile users from editing/changing question response.
Question description - A descriptive text used to expound or give more details about a question.
Question default value - Its a constant value/option that is preselected when answers aren't provided to attributes
Question is hidden - Use to hide questions from Mobile users
Is shareable - If a question has this attribute, it will appear in the activity report recap shared on the mobile app user.
Highlight this answer. By ticking this toggle, it means the value will be displayed in the recap of the matrix question on the mobile app.
Meta expressions - Meta expression determine when the question will appear.
N/B; Attributes/questions coming from the template can be edited but not deleted. However, they can be hidden if not needed.
Question types single choice /multiple choice on list -list linked cannot be edited unless done from the template. You will get a warning that the question can only be edited from template.
The different attributes in the activities can be made unique by clicking on the settings and turning the toggle on to prevent the user from making two activity reports with the same field.
It can be defined for questions types:
phone number

How to use meta expressions.
Meta expression are built using two operands. It can be:
a question-answer
a meta expression
After selecting the question-answer, you will see a modal with all the single or multiple-choice options in the questions, including the ones for the customer selected.
The operators can be:
and for integer or decimal answers:
The second operand can be:
constant (number and text)
If you select question answer, a modal will open comparing the values of the answer.
If you select constant, for a single or multiple-choice, the options will be TRUE or FALSE
Questions marked in “bold” are mandatory
Questions marked with the word meta expression have a meta expression attached to it
Questions marked with an eye icon are hidden from the mobile users
Questions marked with the word meta expression and are in bold have both a meta expression and are mandatory.

Manage questions in the workflow
To add a question.
Click on the + icon. Select a question type.

Replicate a question
To replicate a question within a workflow, click on replicate icon, then select the tag and label of the question

Rearrange the order of questions with drag and drop
The order of the questions can be changed by dragging and dropping questions within the questionnaire
Edit a question - Click on the edit icon.
Delete a question - Click on the delete icon
Activity parameters to be defined
Activity Id - It is a unique system generated identifier
Activity name - Where activity name is defined
Display title - where the name to be displayed is defined by meta expressions
Activity type - Default and review
Allow duplication - Activation of this toggle allows mobile users to be able to duplicate activity reports
Report prerequisite - Helps identifying activities requiring a check-in/check-out inside or outside a visit object
Report prerequisite can be set as:
Customer selection -This is set to restrict a user to select a customer before filling any activity.
Need visit and Geo check-in -This is set to restrict a user from filling any workflow without them checking -in to the customer and being at the customer location
No prerequistite - This is set if there is no need for the user to adhere any prerequisite above to filling an activity.
When the report prerequisite is set as customer selection and Need visit & Geo check-in and the user is filling a multi step workflow, the toggle use customer from the last step must be activated so that the customer selected on the first workflow will automatically be pre-selected when filling the second workflow. E.g When one selects a customer on Order as (FieldPro) when filling the second part which is delivery (FieldPro) will be automatically be pre-selected.
Important questions -Is used as a table column in the activity report table
Role- Defines the users who will have access to certain activities
Visibility of the Activity Report
- web and mobile. Normal behavior
- web. Activity reports /tasks are generated by the back end
Scope of the Activity Report
It determines which mobile users can view and edit the activity report of a mobile user
There are several parameters:
Global. All users of the client
Team. All users of the teams (more than 1 team)
Single team. All users of the team to which the mobile user belongs (only 1 team)
Mobile user. Several mobile users
Single Mobile User. Only the mobile user who submitted the activity report
N/B; The scope is defined on the list setting page (List scope)
Share values of the activity to an external user
You can see the recap of an activity report in the history view and share it with any external user through the messaging app of your phone. It comes in text format, meaning it can be read by SMS, WhatsApp, etc. To share it, you need to click on the Share icon.
The content that is shareable depends on the questions you configure as shareable in the workflow builder. The recap message will also contain the metadata such as the timestamp, the activity report ID, user name, etc.
You can add any attribute of the item/SKU as shareable information if the item has been selected through a single choice or matrix on the list question. For this use a plain text question and use the relevant meta expression.
This is typically useful to act as a digital receipt for sales to a retailer, field vendor or to be used internally as proof of transaction.
Use a customer attribute as a meta expression in the workflow
When using the Customer module, the customer selected after the check-in will automatically appear in the activities builder as the first question. You cannot edit the tag, but you can edit its name.
You can then select any of the attributes of the customer as a question-answer to base the meta expression set.
How to filter items in a matrix
A matrix question in an activity displays items from a list.
To make all SKU's mandatory on the matrix go to the matrix question, the setting tab and click on "Force all items to be filled"
It is possible to filter the items displayed using the meta expressions.
To do this, go to the matrix question, the conditions tab, and add the meta expressions in the "Items restriction condition"

Then you will have a meta expression builder allowing you to define the restriction
In the example below, we want that certain must have SKUs only display based on the types of shops for a retail audit activity selected.
So we need to create the single choice attribute in the SKU list: customer_type.
In the meta expression we look for equivalence between the customer type of the item selected (the SKU) and the type of customer selected in the activity.
If there is a match for the SKU for at least one of the customer type selected (we use the CONTAINS operator), then the SKU will display in the matrix

1. This can also be used to define different prices based on the customer types, whereby you will create one price per SKU as per the customer type
2. The tags and labels used on for Single choice question options for Customer type on the SKU list must be exactly the same as the ones on the single choice question for customer type on the customer list
It is possible to filter the items displayed on the previous step of a matrix.
This only works with multi-step workflows.
To do this, select the preceding step of the activity i.e. if it was an order and delivery activity, select the delivery activity.
On the preceding activity, select the edit icon (pen) and go to the settings tab. Then enable the Filter Items from previous step Boolean.

Make sure you have saved your edits and you will be able to display the items selected on the previous step.
View an activity report
To view activity reports, go to the workflows section, activities menu.
Activities are sorted according to the activities with highest number of activity reports as shown below on the right side panel

Navigate to the activity which you intend to view, click on it and a range of activity reports will be displayed

To view a single activity report, place your cursor on the activity report and navigate to the view icon. A menu will appear with the steps available for the activity report.
Click on the desired step and options displaying the input and output perimeters will appear.

Select the desired output or input options to view the details of the activity.

Click on it to be able to see the detailed contents of the activity report as shown below

Download activity reports
Go to the activities section and click on the activities. You will be able to see all the activity reports related to it.
To download activity reports, click on the download reports arrow on the far right, as shown below

You will then obtain the results in CSV and Excel format. You can also use the filters to narrow down to the specifics for download.
Share activity reports in PDF
Activity reports are shareable in PDF via email.
Below is the procedure on how to configure.
How to set up
In the Workflow section, click on create a workflow at the top right part of your Web app screen.
Name the workflow to suit your need i.e. Generate activity reports and save.

After saving, navigate to the workflow created and click on the edit icon to add the steps for running of the activity report
To add the step simply click on them for instance we want to share activity report for the Sales workflow we will need to add the sales workflow followed by the step Export activity report in pdf.
The email which will contain the url of the activity report will be displayed as follows.

In the step, Export activity report, define the step id as the workflow in which the activity report is pulled from for this case - Sales Workflow and save changes as shown below

In the next step, Email activity reports set the email body in html language. To insert the url, click on the + meta expression to set the fields as shown below

When done save. This is how the body of the email will be

After setting up all the steps important fields save the workflow.
Once the sales workflow is filled its corresponding activity report will be shared in PDF via email to the specified recipients as shown below

Updated on: 19/11/2024
Thank you!