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How to filter items by type

We've recently introduced a new functionality that allows items in an SKU list to be displayed based on selected attributes on the list, such as type or channel type.
This enhancement serves to streamline the experience for field users and workers during sales or retail audit visits by eliminating the need to fill unnecessary SKUs in the matrix.

This capability operates on conditions, particularly the selected attribute type.

By leveraging this feature, we optimize the loading of matrix items, reducing the volume from potentially overwhelming numbers to just a select few when conditions are appropriately configured.

Consider a scenario where we aim to display items or SKUs matching a specified customer type. This can be done using multiple meta expressios with the operator "Equals" ,or using the operator "Contains":

A. Using Multiple meta expressions for the Operator "Equals"

Step 1:
Begin by configuring attributes on the SKU list schema, incorporating various outlet options.

Step 2
Specify the customer type for each SKU accordingly.

Step 3
On your desired matrix question, follow these steps:

Navigate to the edit icon and access the conditions menu.

Select "items restriction conditions" and apply restrictions within the inner group of the Meta expression builder.

To display items where the customer type equals the SKU type, utilize expressions as demonstrated.

Item restriction based on type

B. Using the operator "Contains"

The "contains" operator proves valuable since we can use multiple choice questions/attributes from a list e.g. outlet channels, customer types etc when building Meta expressions.
This approach aids in reducing the number of multiple meta expressions as seen on the example above and in the process, reduce the load time of list items on the mobile application.


Create a multiple choice question on your list e.g. on the SKU list
Update your items to match all the desired types/options in which your item should appear
Go to your desired question, located the edit icon and click on Item restriction
Set the meta expression for the multiple choice question from your list
Select the operator "Contains" and set the meta expression for the customer type attribute.
See the example below

Example of the operator "Contains"

Note: This feature is not limited solely to customer type . Its applicability extends to various other attributes within the list schema, providing a generic solution adaptable to diverse use cases and requirements.

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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