Actions on the customers section
Create / Add Customer
View the sync status of a customer
Edit Customer
View customers
Search customers
Filter customers
Select customers
Geo check in
Delete a Customer
To create/add a customer on the list, locate and click on the Add New button at the bottom right of your screen.
Fill in the required information on the page directed, and click on submit.
When filling in the required information during customer creation / addition, all the mandatory fields have red dots. They must be filled in order for to you to be able to submit, otherwise the submit button will remain inactive (grey in color).
If you select a customer and start a workflow which contains an activity whose requisite is set to need visit, the mandatory fields will need to be filled before being able to check in at the customer. This update is possible even if the list is set to read only

An icon showing the sync status displays at the right of the customer:
Customers created when a user is working offline or having a poor network connection remain un-synced till there is a strong connection.
These customers that were created but not saved remain with one tick awaiting the user’s internet connectivity for the Customer to be synced. Synced customers have two green ticks at the far right.
These un-synced Customers might not be available on the list in case you want to check in at a later time/day.
Therefore, it's always good to ensure the customers you create are successfully synced into the database.
You should not make activities for customers that have a sync error. Activities made on such customers (un-synced or ongoing workflows) won’t have a customer attached to them in the database hence affecting data credibility.
To view the status of a customer:
Click on your Customer list on the mobile app. The listing tab has two factors.
Synced - These are customers sync/saved successfully
Pending - These are customers saved locally on the phone awaiting connection so that they can be uploaded to the database.
The number of the ticks next to the customer searched for indicates its sync status. i.e.
PENDING = one grey tick
SYNCED = two green ticks
The sync process happens automatically if the mobile user has data connectivity. Nothing is to be done by the mobile user. If there is an issue with the sync process it will be displayed in settings, synchronization warnings tab.
Editing a customer enables users to correct the GPS, Customer picture, and to update any other old or new customer information added to the profile.
To edit a customer, search for your customer on the Customer List then select it.
You will be redirected to the customer card and under the Customer's picture you will find the edit button (pen icon).
Click on the Edit button at the left of the screen
Navigate to the fields you want to update, provide the information and click on submit at the bottom of the page. The place will be successfully edited.
Editing of a Customer by the mobile users is only possible if they have been given full access. This is done from the web app.
You can also view the customer card after clicking the 3 dots on the far right of the customer then select View details.
Customer card contains the following actions:
Go there - To get Google Maps directions to the customer location
Call - To get the contact number of the customer,
Edit - For correcting or editing details of that specific customer.
New note - For adding new notes.
View Kpis - For viewing KPIs related to that specific customer.
Account statement - For requesting a statement for that specific customer
Info - To view all the attributes related to the customer. Only attributes with values will be displayed such as the phone number, you can also directly click on the phone number registered to call the customer. At the bottom you have metadata about the creation and edition of the customer details.
See below video on how to contact a customer
History - To view past activities made for that specific customer.
Notes - To view existing notes related to that specific customer.

If the GPS is on, the customers are ranked from the closest to the furthest.
If the GPS if off, the customers are ranked by alphabetical order
Only the first 25 customers are displayed for the scroll, but when searching or filtering, the operation is done on the full list.
N/B: You can view the total number of customers assigned to you in the map section
The search happens on all the attributes defined as important in the list schema, it's a magnifying glass icon found at the top right of your list.
The filter is possible on all attributes defined in the list schema on the web app.
To apply a filter, click on the buttons found at the top of your customer list. Then a pop -up page will appear with the necessary field of filters. The filter(s) applied will be indicated at the top.
Click on the clear button beside the apply button to clear the filter(s).
To select a customer, you can either select click from the customer section or the map. Once you select the customer of your choice. You will be redirected to the customer card which contains the customer details.
On this card you will be provided with customer information, activity reports done and several other actions such as viewing KPIs or filling a workflow.
To fill a workflow, click on Start visit button to check in the customer then click on Go to workflows and select the workflow you want to record your activity report.
If the activity requires a mandatory geo check in visit, the distance from the mobile user to the customer will be verified.
If the user is beyond the required distance, they will get an error message indicating The GPS accuracy is above the limit of (XX meters). please record again to obtain a more accurate location. The user cannot begin their activities.

Once you are checked in at a customer, the Start visit button will change to End visit and the customer icon at the bottom will appear with a GPS pin next to it.
Then proceed to Go to workflows to fill your activity report. After filling the activity report, the user can end visit by checking out. Either as part of the actions on the customer card at through the End visit bottom right or by clicking on the End visit banner on the main customer screen.
For more information on the above actions, please view the video below.
If the access right for the list and mobile user role allows, the mobile user can delete a customer from the mobile app. It will result in the item being archived in the back end. For a full deletion from the archived state, it needs to be done through the web app

To delete a customer just click on the customer, then click on the bin icon at the top right of your screen.
View the sync status of a customer
Edit Customer
View customers
Search customers
Filter customers
Select customers
Geo check in
Delete a Customer
Create / Add Customer
To create/add a customer on the list, locate and click on the Add New button at the bottom right of your screen.
Fill in the required information on the page directed, and click on submit.
When filling in the required information during customer creation / addition, all the mandatory fields have red dots. They must be filled in order for to you to be able to submit, otherwise the submit button will remain inactive (grey in color).
If you select a customer and start a workflow which contains an activity whose requisite is set to need visit, the mandatory fields will need to be filled before being able to check in at the customer. This update is possible even if the list is set to read only

View the sync status of a customer
An icon showing the sync status displays at the right of the customer:
Customers created when a user is working offline or having a poor network connection remain un-synced till there is a strong connection.
These customers that were created but not saved remain with one tick awaiting the user’s internet connectivity for the Customer to be synced. Synced customers have two green ticks at the far right.
These un-synced Customers might not be available on the list in case you want to check in at a later time/day.
Therefore, it's always good to ensure the customers you create are successfully synced into the database.
You should not make activities for customers that have a sync error. Activities made on such customers (un-synced or ongoing workflows) won’t have a customer attached to them in the database hence affecting data credibility.
To view the status of a customer:
Click on your Customer list on the mobile app. The listing tab has two factors.
Synced - These are customers sync/saved successfully
Pending - These are customers saved locally on the phone awaiting connection so that they can be uploaded to the database.
The number of the ticks next to the customer searched for indicates its sync status. i.e.
PENDING = one grey tick
SYNCED = two green ticks
The sync process happens automatically if the mobile user has data connectivity. Nothing is to be done by the mobile user. If there is an issue with the sync process it will be displayed in settings, synchronization warnings tab.
Edit Customer
Editing a customer enables users to correct the GPS, Customer picture, and to update any other old or new customer information added to the profile.
To edit a customer, search for your customer on the Customer List then select it.
You will be redirected to the customer card and under the Customer's picture you will find the edit button (pen icon).
Click on the Edit button at the left of the screen
Navigate to the fields you want to update, provide the information and click on submit at the bottom of the page. The place will be successfully edited.
Editing of a Customer by the mobile users is only possible if they have been given full access. This is done from the web app.
You can also view the customer card after clicking the 3 dots on the far right of the customer then select View details.
Customer card contains the following actions:
Go there - To get Google Maps directions to the customer location
Call - To get the contact number of the customer,
Edit - For correcting or editing details of that specific customer.
New note - For adding new notes.
View Kpis - For viewing KPIs related to that specific customer.
Account statement - For requesting a statement for that specific customer
Info - To view all the attributes related to the customer. Only attributes with values will be displayed such as the phone number, you can also directly click on the phone number registered to call the customer. At the bottom you have metadata about the creation and edition of the customer details.
See below video on how to contact a customer
History - To view past activities made for that specific customer.
Notes - To view existing notes related to that specific customer.

View customers
If the GPS is on, the customers are ranked from the closest to the furthest.
If the GPS if off, the customers are ranked by alphabetical order
Only the first 25 customers are displayed for the scroll, but when searching or filtering, the operation is done on the full list.
N/B: You can view the total number of customers assigned to you in the map section
Search customers
The search happens on all the attributes defined as important in the list schema, it's a magnifying glass icon found at the top right of your list.
Filter customers
The filter is possible on all attributes defined in the list schema on the web app.
To apply a filter, click on the buttons found at the top of your customer list. Then a pop -up page will appear with the necessary field of filters. The filter(s) applied will be indicated at the top.
Click on the clear button beside the apply button to clear the filter(s).
Select customers
To select a customer, you can either select click from the customer section or the map. Once you select the customer of your choice. You will be redirected to the customer card which contains the customer details.
On this card you will be provided with customer information, activity reports done and several other actions such as viewing KPIs or filling a workflow.
To fill a workflow, click on Start visit button to check in the customer then click on Go to workflows and select the workflow you want to record your activity report.
Geo check in
If the activity requires a mandatory geo check in visit, the distance from the mobile user to the customer will be verified.
If the user is beyond the required distance, they will get an error message indicating The GPS accuracy is above the limit of (XX meters). please record again to obtain a more accurate location. The user cannot begin their activities.

Once you are checked in at a customer, the Start visit button will change to End visit and the customer icon at the bottom will appear with a GPS pin next to it.
Then proceed to Go to workflows to fill your activity report. After filling the activity report, the user can end visit by checking out. Either as part of the actions on the customer card at through the End visit bottom right or by clicking on the End visit banner on the main customer screen.
For more information on the above actions, please view the video below.
Delete a Customer
If the access right for the list and mobile user role allows, the mobile user can delete a customer from the mobile app. It will result in the item being archived in the back end. For a full deletion from the archived state, it needs to be done through the web app

To delete a customer just click on the customer, then click on the bin icon at the top right of your screen.
Updated on: 02/10/2024
Thank you!